Arthur A C

                                                Hello there, welcome to my final year project blog page.

I am Atuhwere Arthur 12/u/4106/eve, project leader of BSE 16-77 undertaking a software engineering final year project at Makerere University regarding implementation of an Automated E-coli Bacteria Detector system. 

On my page, I'll always report about personal contribution and progress about the above subject.

Concept Paper
Born in the western part of Uganda, the E-coli Bacteria detection idea came to me as no surprise since I have witnessed the current water treatment methods in many areas. I then started my research as early as 15th of July 2015 when i had a chat with one Doctor, Dr. Mugisha Johnson who works at Mulago Hospital, about the health risks associated with the use of contaminated water. He said that though the current water treatment methods are used, some bacteria remain and cause dangerous diseases to human beings. I shared my idea of E-coli Bacteria Detection, and he emphasized that such a solution is required as it will enable different water users to reduce health risks.

We met as a group and we generated two ideas but this idea went ahead of the other not only because its feasibility study was complete but also because of our strong biology and chemistry background. My group mates all agreed on this idea.

 I was tasked to generate a suitable problem statement for the concept note and i chose to state that "The project is geared towards creating instant messaging system. as long as methane gas is detected which is an indication of E-coli Bacteria presence in water".

About the software design document
During the development of the software design document, according to its template I participated in generating the following:
·                  Architectural design of the system and
·                     The component design that included Pseudo code algorithms .

 About the implementation of the system
During the implementation the system, I participated in programming the system, generating the corresponding out puts.

In the phase of implementation, various components which were purchased needed to be assembled together to help us attain the functionality of the Automated E-coli Bacteria Detector System. I made a three wire connection between  the GSM module.
A methane  sensor was required next and this along with its circuitry  was placed to interface with the A0 analog pin of Arduino.

Together with other group members, we then came up with the sketch that had libraries such as GSM library, and the Sensor library and uploaded it to the Arduino through a USB cable.
A structured SMS message was send via  the GSM module onto the mobile device of the User indicating the Safety state of water.

The Report.
The software report is written with various sections for which i undertook sections that had to do with implementation, installation and some parts containing the testing of the Automated E-coli Bacteria Detector system.
Resources such as the report can be accessed through the project media page of the blog.