About the Project


The problem Statement

In Uganda, most people use water on both small and large scale depending on the type of users. The users get water from a number of sources including wells, boreholes, tanks, springs, taped water and others. Most people in Uganda are currently using water without knowing whether water is safe or not.

 Water contamination is caused by many pollutants. Escherichia Coli bacteria is the most popular water pollutant apparently [1]. Escherichia coli bacteria contamination in drinking water causes serious illness to large numbers of people.

The water preservation methods employed by the government and some private water users are not efficient, since it’s done at the central plant, ignoring the means through which it reaches individual homes thus a gap for waterborne diseases. Water preservation process done by the government is costly and very inefficient in the long run. It is employed in some parts of the country leaving out large groups of people to vulnerable to waterborne diseases.

Proposed Solution:

 However some objectives were brought up to solve the above problem and some of these were to investigate the weaknesses of the problem ,collect and  analyze data, design a system for detecting bacteria in water  (E-coli 057 ) , develop and test the system. The presence of E-Coli bacteria in water is detected by the presence of methane gas which is given out by liquefied animal wastes. 

Intended Users:

 The potential users of the system are;

·         The individual (home) water users: These are the people who use water in areas such as communities and other areas which may require adding more automation to their existing water treatment methods.
(i)        They are normally small scale water users.
(ii)      They possess busy schedules at work and therefore need a more convenient water treatment method.
·         The industrial consumers: These are people who operate companies and business that require reliable and consistent water monitoring and preservation to ensure water safety. They possess the following trait;
(i)        They preserve large amounts of water for example water bottling companies.
·         The system administrators: These are people who are concerned with the administrative activities on the system. Their characteristics involve;
(i)        They possess technical ability.
(ii)      They are well learned about the functional operation of the system.

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